2008年3月25日 星期二

顧客關係管理 與 營業部 CRM & Sale Department

How do you recommend customer service and sales work together to build trust, while still making maximum sales? I'm always cautious about overselling or overpitching our customers and losing trust that way.

That's a great question and that perfectly captures the dilemma that most businesses have between maximizing short-term sales and maximizing long-term customer value, because both forms of value are important to the company. It's important to generate sales today, but it's also important to preserve the productive capacity of your customer base, not to oversell. It's sort of like farming. If you planted the richest cash crop on every acre of your land every year, pretty soon you'd burn your land out and you'd have to find new land. Well, you can think of your customer like a farmer thinks of his land. Instead of doing that, practice conservation. Reinvest in the land. Rotate the crops. That's what a farmer would do.

For a business person, what you have to do is balance the long-term value of the customer against the short-term sales. What Martha and I suggest is that if you have the analytics to measure customer lifetime value, then one of the things you really need to do is to try to get a handle on what the leading indicators of lifetime value change are. So if customer satisfaction goes up a point, how much is that worth in terms of lifetime value? And that way you can tell what value you actually create from some measured improvement in customer satisfaction. However, in most businesses, that level of analytics is very difficult to achieve, and in any case, it's kind of hard to use that as a tool in the ranks of the call center rep or sales person.

So we have a shortcut. And the shortcut is: always try to earn the trust of the customer. Ask yourself, what would you like if you were the customer? Obviously you're not going to give the product away at a loss, and as a customer you wouldn't reasonably expect a company to do that. Still, what would you consider to be fair if you were the customer? So that's what you do. If a customer is willing to buy something, but you, being a little more expert in the area, know that it's not really right for the customer, even though he's willing to buy it, talk to him about it, and counsel him about what his best interests are, and how his best interests are served. This is a very important point. By doing this, you would be giving up a short-term opportunity to take the customer's money, but you would be earning something of great value in the form of his trust in your advice and judgment. He'll come back! Not only that, he'll recommend friends and colleagues to you as well.

That's exactly the way United Services Automobile Association (USAA) has created the most respected and trusted brand in financial services in the United States. And USAA is the most trusted brand in financial servcies not just by a small margin, but by a BIG margin. USAA members can tell stories about how they were ready to buy more insurance than they needed when the rep said "you know you don't really need that much" or some similar story. USAA operates by the mantra among its employees: "Treat the customer the way you'd like to be treated if you were the customer." That is something that in philosophy is called the principle of reciprocity. In Christianity it's the golden rule. Every major religion has some form of the principle of reciprocity at work. And it is the ultimate in you-orientation instead of me-orientation. It is, also, the most efficient way to earn another person's trust.

Now, if a customer trusts you more and more, he's going to want to buy from you more. If he always thinks that when he deals with you, you're acting in his interests, he's going to want to deal with you more. Forrester did a survey in the financial services area of 6,000 North American households and found that this kind of customer advocacy, being seen by the customer as a company that will act in the customer's own interests, is the number one determinate of customers' willingness to buy again or buy more products from the company. And that just makes very logical sense.

In terms of getting customer service and sales to work together, in most businesses we divide those functional areas. Customer service is kind of after sales, and sales is responsible for sort of getting the customer in the door. There's going to be no substitute for a comprehensive culture change at a company so everybody understands that the primary goal of our business is to do what's in the customer's best interest. Whenever you're solving a problem, wrestling with a dilemma, if there's an immediate selling situation with multiple choice options, ask yourself the question, if I were the customer, what would I consider to be the right thing here? What would I want to happen? And if you do that, nine times out of ten, that's going to give you the best combination of both short-term sales and long-term value creation for the customer.


CRM management 顧客關係管理層需知

The CRM 顧客關係管理 management 管理層 topics section provides resources for CRM leaders and practitioners and includes the latest information on how to create a strategy for evaluating, implementing and measuring ROI on a CRM project.

CRM implementation
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CRM Return On Investment (ROI)
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Software upgrades
Upgrading CRM software can be a complex endeavor. Learn about building a business case for a CRM upgrade and measuring ROI in this topic section. Read advice on choosing a consultant for a CRM upgrade and how to prepare users for the process. Discover how to conduct a CRM system and process audit to decide if the time is right for an upgrade. Find best practices for an upgrade and learn how to handle change management aspects following an upgrade. Read the latest news on CRM product upgrades, vendor consolidation and support costs. In this section you'll also find software demonstrations of new products from top vendors like Siebel, Oracle, SAP, RightNow, NetSuite and Salesforce.com. Learn the benefits of specific vendors, read upgrade case studies and learn tips for upgrading CRM software products from specific vendors. Also discover best practices for upgrading or migrating to Software as a Service (SaaS) or on-demand CRM. Find the resources you need to make the right decisions about upgrading here.

CRM strategy
Use these resources to build a strong CRM strategy. Learn how to start a CRM strategy with the latest news, expert advice and learning tools. Learn how to build and implement a customer-focused strategy for CRM. Get expert advice on developing a customer equity management strategy and learn how to create customer satisfaction survey. Get in-depth information on customer experience management (CEM) and how it differs from CRM. Find out how to conduct a CRM system and process audit. Learn how to measure ROI following a CRM implementation. Get pointers for evaluating your CRM strategy and customer service strategy with the CRM strategy checklist. Listen to podcasts on developing customer strategies, CRM strategies and customer equity strategies. Get tips for optimizing your CRM strategy, shopping for CRM systems and avoiding failure. Get best practices for building a call center strategy.


2008年3月22日 星期六

CRM實例 - 沃爾瑪超市中國公司






資料來源: 中國網

Technorati Profile


CRM 是整合行銷、銷售、客戶管理、服務、分析...等功能的系統,應用資訊科技來強化企業的商業智慧(Business Intelligence),並對於客戶關係管理策略重新來定位整合。企業充分的瞭解客戶需求,才能和客戶間建立互動關係,進而有效的行銷出擊,創造訂單及利潤。其針對潛在客戶管理,與顧客往來和所有相關作業的規範管理 、買賣合約、銷售和行銷活動等需要而提供的工具管理軟體。CRM 功能元件包一組聯絡中心的基礎模組及四組模組:銷售、服務櫃檯、售後服務和市場行銷。

聯絡中心 (Contact Center):
- 在單一的資料庫,對您的潛在客戶和顧客追蹤一切系統知道的事物。
- 可自行發展立刻式 (on-the-fly) 連結查詢的客製化報表或使用系統提供的標準報表檢視重要的資訊。
- 與連絡者之間的任務排程、一般書信和電子郵件往來,以及保存雙方會談的詳細筆記與其他資訊。
- 存取重要的後台支持 (back office) 資訊,例如:應收帳款、現在料品的庫存資訊、退修品授權狀態、信用額度、估價作業、訂單和交貨與運送狀態。

銷售 (Sales) :
- 提昇銷售團隊的效率。
- 自行發展報價作業所需要的價格方案和精確地組構產品。使用選購的參數式產品組構 (Parametric Configurator) 模組可精確地組構產品以符合客戶的需求規格。
- 自動地轉換報價資訊給估價和接單模組,消除重複鍵入資料作業。
- 發展銷售計劃,制定銷售循環的下一階段方案。
- 與 ERP 的估價視窗產生估價資訊。
- 對銷售代表,授權區域,業務單位,分公司或事業部設定銷售額度。

服務櫃檯 &客訴中心 (Help Desk):
- 追蹤顧客的抱怨或訴求,以及建立議題和解決方案的知識庫。
- 自動登錄保存顧客的訴求,和有用的搜尋提供解決方案。
- 以料品編號、序號、產品分類和服務合約等依據來源,登錄顧客的訴求。
- 排定客訴服務的優先順序,並將任務指派給專業人士來解決。
- 追蹤每一解決方案的任務分派,完成日期和時間,主辦者簽章等歷史紀錄。

售後服務 (Service):
- 提供特殊範圍的服務。
- 管理服務作業、保固和維護合約、任務派遣排程、退回修護授權、庫存和請款。
- 檢視維護日程和指派合適的技術師來執行服務作業。
- 透過有效的管控庫存和人力資源來消除延遲,以提昇客戶滿意度。
- 按照料品編號、序號或服務合約來追蹤議題。
- 可鍵入服務作業的資料和快速地搜尋客戶紀錄(按照合約編號、序號、料品編號作搜尋) 。
- 對財務模組自動產生請款單據和費用金額。

市場行銷 (Marketing):
- 追蹤行銷活動和事件的有效性。
- 維護行銷文件和產品型錄。
- 計畫達成目標的策略和提昇整體行銷的投資報酬率。


在 CRM 解決方案的發展中,我們也可以看到如今 CRM 方案的發展方向:

1.完成與ERP的整合  雖然說目前 CRM 廠商眾多,但是單獨存在的 CRM 軟體無法滿足客戶的需求,CRM 軟體最終必須和 ERP 軟體整合才能發揮最大的效果。能夠把前端和後端的軟體完全整合在一起的公司,將會是未來幾年最成功的贏家。因為企業都瞭解,倘若它們不能把銷售和服務部門的資訊和後台聯繫在一起,那它們會流失許多潛在營業額。

2.支援管理者決策  隨著 CRM 軟體的成熟,將來的 CRM 軟體不再只是幫助企業流程的自動化,而是能幫助管理者做決策的分析工具。以客戶為主的企業現在都瞭解到,CRM 的成功在於有成功的資料收集和資料挖掘。從 CRM系統收集的資料是最能幫助企業瞭解客戶的需求與抱怨,所謂的一對一行銷也是注重在瞭解客戶的需求,以便投其所好,以促成交易。資料是死的,但是如果能運用一些數學或統計模式,把死的資料解讀成一些事實,那麼就可成為管理者做決策的參考了。CRM 資料庫可以改善訂價方式、提高市場佔有率、提高忠誠度和發現新的市場機會等結果。

3.保持傳統的銷售管理  隨著企業持續往網路進化,CRM 的功能會廣泛地深入企業組織內,但是新銷售自動化軟體不可能完全取代傳統的銷售角色。研究調查顯示傳統銷售會開始注重在直銷和支援這兩大功能,而訂單處理和資訊傳遞則會通過網路進行。一套軟體系統的成功實施往往伴隨著從根本上改革企業的管理方式和業務流程。ERP 的實施和給眾多企業帶來的利益是典型的例證,CRM 同樣如此。CRM 使企業有了一個基於電子商務的面對客戶的前端工具,為電子商務網站提供了可以滿足客戶個性化需求的工具,能幫助企業順利實現由傳統企業模式到以電子商務為基礎的現代企業模式的轉化。


Technorati Profile

2008年3月21日 星期五


顧客關係管理(CRM;Customer Relationship Management)是一套結合客戶服務與銷售、行銷及支援的應用系統,許多企業都瞭解它的重要性。德國Mummert+Partner集團總裁安卓‧亞納(Andreas Achner)指出,進入快速、激烈的競爭,CRM對企業的幫助愈來愈大,因為一旦價格戰開打一陣子,企業會發現削價競爭不再管用,唯有提供良好的服務,才能吸引顧客。


在(CRM;Customer Relationship Management)建置過程與實際執行時,企業常會遇到一些困難與挑戰,主要有三個:第一是各種技術的整合。因為目前還沒有真正能涵蓋完整CRM需求的解決方案,軟硬體建置不能一次購齊,許多企業往往在入門時,就被解決內部技術整合問題的第一關,搞得焦頭爛額。


第三是人與文化的問題。企業要引進顧客關係管理(CRM;Customer Relationship Management),必須改變企業文化,從上到下都將心態調整成「顧客至上,以客為尊」。這對某些過去不重視顧客關係的企業來說,需要長時間做心理建設,才能完成這樣的變革。


CRM 顧客關係管理 - 百度資料

我從百度搜尋了有關Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 CRM的其他解釋,好讓讀者有更多的資料作更深入而全面的學習。

CRM Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 CRM的概念由美國Gartner 集團率先提出。我們認為,CRM是辨識、獲取、保持和增加“可獲利客戶”的理論、實踐和技術手段的總稱。它既是一種國際領先的、以“客戶價值”為中心的企業管理理論、商業策略和企業運作實踐,也是一種以資訊技術為手段、有效提高企業收益、客戶滿意度、雇員生產力的管理軟體。CRM(Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理) 即客戶關係管理。這個概念最初由Gartner Group提出來,而在最近開始在企業電子商務中流行。CRM的主要含義就是通過對客戶詳細資料的深入分析,來提高客戶滿意程度,從而提高企業的競爭力的一種手段,它主要包含以下幾個主要方面(簡稱7P):   客戶概況分析(Profiling)包括客戶的層次、風險、愛好、習慣等;   客戶忠誠度分析(Persistency)指客戶對某個產品或商業機構的忠實程度、持久性、變動情況等;   客戶利潤分析(Profitability)指不同客戶所消費的產品的邊緣利潤、總利潤額、淨利潤等;   客戶性能分析(Performance)指不同客戶所消費的產品按種類、管道、銷售地點等指標劃分的銷售額;   客戶未來分析(Prospecting)包括客戶數量、類別等情況的未來發展趨勢、爭取客戶的手段等;   客戶產品分析(Product)包括產品設計、關聯性、供應鏈等;   客戶促銷分析(Promotion)包括廣告、宣傳等促銷活動的管理。   在不同場合下,Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 CRM可能是一個管理學術語,可能是一個軟體系統,而通常我們所指的CRM,是指用電腦自動化分析銷售、市場行銷、客戶服務以及應用支援等流程的軟體系統。它的目標是縮減銷售週期和銷售成本、增加收入、尋找擴展業務所需的新的市場和管道以及提高客戶的價值、滿意度、贏利性和忠實度。Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 CRM項目的實施可以分為3步,即應用業務集成,業務資料分析和決策執行。①應用業務集成。將獨立的市場管理,銷售管理與售後服務進行集成,提供統一的運作平臺。將多管道來源的資料進行整合,實現業務資料的集成與共用。這一環節的實現,使系統使用者可以在系統內得到各類資料的忠實記錄,代表目前真實發生的業務狀況。②業務資料分析。對CRM系統中的資料進行加工、處理與分析將使企業受益匪淺。對資料的分析可以採用OLAP的方式進行,生成各類報告;也可以採用業務資料倉庫(Business Information Warehouse)的處理手段,對資料做進一步的加工與資料採擷,分析各資料指標間的關聯關係,建立關聯性的資料模型用於模擬和預測。這一步所取得的結果將是非常重要的,它不單反映業務目前狀況同時也對未來業務計畫的調整起到指導作用。③決策執行。依據資料分析所提供的可預見性的分析報告,企業可以將在業務過程中所學到的知識加以總結利用,對業務過程和業務計畫等做出調整。通過調整達到增強與客戶之間的聯繫,使業務運作更適應市場要求的目的。  在傳統企業引入電子商務後,企業關注的重點由提高內部效率向尊重外部客戶轉移。而Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 CRM理念正是基於對客戶的尊重,要求企業完整地認識整個客戶生命週期,提供與客戶溝通的統一平臺,提高員工與客戶接觸的效率和客戶回饋率。一個成功的Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) 客戶關係管理系統至少應包括如下功能:通過電話、傳真、網路、移動通訊工具、電子郵件等多種管道與客戶保持溝通;使企業員工全面瞭解客戶關係,根據客戶需求進行交易,記錄獲得的客戶資訊,在企業內部做到客戶資訊共用;對市場計畫進行整體規劃和評估;對各種銷售活動進行跟蹤;通過大量積累的動態資料,對市場和銷售進行全面分析。


CRM 對企業的重要性

隨著資訊科技的演進與產業競爭環境的發展,客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),最重要的是建立一套完整的客戶資訊系統,其目的在用以管理與老顧客的關係,發展出適合顧客個別需要的產品服務,提高顧客最高的忠誠度,留住率與利潤貢獻度,並同時有效率選擇性的吸引好的新顧客。

CRM 傳統 VS 現代管理
其實現代的CRM 客戶關係管理系統的模組中,最大的功能面就是提供完整的客戶資料蒐集。傳統的企業資訊系統中,多將銷售的管理放在營業模組系統中;事實上這樣的方法也確實為企業在管理上帶來許多便利性。每一個銷售人員對於客戶的資料所知即是銷售人員的寶貴資產,但是這些資料往往存在每一個銷售人員的個人資料庫中,企業並無法將這些資料做有效的運用與管理。如此可能會造成銷售成本的重複,而增加了銷售成本。但是伴隨著消費者(顧客)的選擇性日益增加,市場中同質性的商品愈來愈多,攸關企業發展的銷售部門應該體認:行銷所需要的是整體的市場資訊,如此才能對市場的宏觀願景做一個有效的規劃,並妥善分配企業中有限的行銷資源。  CRM系統能夠擬補傳統營業系統的不足,它能夠清楚的界定企業與顧客、客戶、用戶間的細微差距。透過資料庫系統完整蒐集顧客、客戶的資訊,可以針對不同類型、等級的顧客來擬定最佳的銷售計劃與銷售策略,縮短銷售活動的時間,妥善運用銷售資源。

CRM 管理『客戶滿意度』
客戶滿意度已經成為一些企業所關注的問題。但是由於“滿意度”難以度量,在具體的實施過程中,很難以量化管理及分析。但如果能透過 CRM 可以清楚掌握客戶的狀態和特徵,至少減少傳統管理無謂的成本浪費。

由於 CRM 提供了資料分析,可以使企業能夠找到自己的客戶,避免到處撒網導致資源浪費。對企業來講,重要的是能夠給企業帶來盈利的客戶,而不僅僅是因為客戶的企業體大。在有限資源的條件下,要更多地關注那些讓企業贏利的客戶,必要時應剔除一些服務成本太高的顧客。

另CRM 可以幫助企業整理出最忠誠的客戶的行為標準,銷售人員就可以以此去尋找新的客戶,減少開發新客戶的行銷成本。從經濟角度來講,"客戶滿意:口碑相關曲線"表明,企業的客戶服務處於一般水平時,客戶的反應不大;一旦其服務質量提高或降低一定限度,客戶的讚譽或抱怨將呈指數倍的增加。CRM 不斷地對所有客戶資料進行分析,可以有效地掌握口碑曲線的走向,為企業改進或加強客戶服務提供資料資料,而不是憑企業家的感覺來處理事情。

而客戶滿意不代表將來或現在,其忠誠度是永遠不變。CRM 專家的研究結果表明,行業競爭的狀況對二者關係影響極大,因在高度競爭的行業中,完全滿意的客戶遠比滿意的客戶忠誠。只要客戶滿意程度稍稍下降一點,客戶忠誠的可能性就會急劇下降。這表明,要培育客戶忠誠感,企業必須盡力使客戶完全滿意。

